Lektor High-Tech 2024

Where AI and Creativity Converge, New Ideas Emerge!

Łódź, 15 June 2024

Lektor High-Tech Conference 2024 is the next edition of an event dedicated to language teachers, where the power of artificial intelligence will combine with unlimited areas of creative and proven teaching methods. Through inspiring sessions, interactive workshops, and engaging discussions, Lektor High-Tech 2024 will demonstrate how AI can enrich and complement language teaching and learning practices. Participants will be able to explore innovative approaches in which AI technologies seamlessly combine with creative pedagogical strategies, opening up new possibilities for more effective and interesting learning experiences for students and learners.

The VI Lektor High-Tech 2024 Conference is an opportunity to promote openness, creating a space for collaborative dialogues between language teachers, AI experts, and education professionals.

Join us at the VI Lektor High-Tech 2024 Conference, where AI innovations meet the art of teaching, inspiring a new wave of creativity in language education.

Speakers are invited to submit their speeches via the appropriate registration form until April 30, 2024. The organizer reserves the right to verify the merits and compatibility of the submitted topics and descriptions of speeches with the conference theme.

The 6th edition of the Conference includes 2 thematic blocks:

Block 1 AI and New Technologies in Language Teaching - innovative IT solutions and projects, application of AI in language education.
Block 2 Traditionally, Creatively, Stress-free - proven traditional creative ideas; traditional methodology in the classroom



We invite language teachers and lecturers to participate in the conference: employees of language centres at universities, language schools and comprehensive schools; trainers, psychologists, mediators, and providers and developers of digital and mobile solutions. We hope you will be willing to share your experience and reflections on using various modern tools, including AI, in the teaching process. 


  • demonstration lessons (up to 45 min. + 10 min. questions) 
  • lectures (about 20 min + 10 min questions) 
  • poster presentations
  • practical workshops (approx. 60 minutes) 

Speeches in Polish or English


Registration of speakers until April 30, 2024.

*The organizer reserves the right to verify the merits and compatibility of submitted abstracts with the conference theme.

In 2024 we offer speakers the opportunity to publish the article from the speech in the post-conference e-materials. The format of the article along with the guidelines of the publisher will be published on the conference website.


Formularz rejestracji prelegenta


Participant registration by June 9, 2024.

Formularz rejestracji uczestnika


Speaker registration fee - registration until 30 April 2024 - 390 PLN
Early participant registration - application by 30 April 2024 - 350 zł
Late participant registration - registration until 09 June 2024 - 390 zł

*Fee includes: conference materials, post-conference e-materials, participation in the evening event, participation in the certified workshop and coffee breaks and lunch on June 15, 2024


mgr Mariola Hejduk
mgr Magdalena Gałaj 
mgr Izabella Łacińska-Wójcik
mgr Agata Rodak
mgr Iwona Wróblewska


Contact: Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie w przeglądarce obsługi JavaScript.
Conference website www.cj.p.lodz.pl/konferencja

For details on how to apply to participate in the Conference, please visit the REGISTRATION tab. Presenters interested in publishing an article in post-conference e-materials are invited to visit the e-PUBLICATION.

Lektor High-Tech 2024 Conference for Language Teachers

Lektor High-Tech       Olimpiada
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