Foreign language courses

The Language Centre at the Łódź University of Technology offers the opportunity to study foreign languages at all levels. Our high quality courses, are aimed at people who want to learn a new language or improve their competence in the language already known.

The courses on offer are (at all levels from A1 to C2):
• English
• German
• Russian
• Spanish
• French
• Italian

Our advantages are
• experienced language teachers from the Language Centre of the Łódź University of Technology,
• attractive prices – for 30 or 60 hours of classes per semester,
• convenient location in the centre of the city – Campus B of the Łódź University of Technology - parking facilities available

Participation in language courses offered by our Language Centre will help you develop the four basic language skills (reading and listening comprehension, speaking skills, and writing) thanks to using various forms and methods of teaching. The aim of the courses on offer is training the skill of correct usage of lexis from general and business language registers (together with selected grammatical issues) and the development of the so-called intercultural competence, that is the ability to see the differences between the culture of our own nation and culture of the nation whose language we learn.

For more information contact dr Emilia Sztabnicka-Gradowska Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie w przeglądarce obsługi JavaScript.

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